Organ transplantation is the best treatment for a patient suering from chronic organ failure. Transplantation allows the patient to lead a normal life. He can continue his studies, work; have children, practice sport and travel… He has, however, to take his medications regularly and continuously to avoid the rejection of the organ.
Organ transplantation saves lives!
Who can benefit from organ transplantation?
All patients with end-stage organ failure may be candidates for organ transplantation.
What is required from a patient in need of organ transplantation?
Any patient in need of organ transplantation has to consult a specialized transplantation center for his/her pre-transplant work-up. The results of his/her complete medical and surgical evaluation should then be presented to NOD-Lb for his/her registration on the national waiting list to benefit from a donated organ.
The patient is personally responsible to register his/her file on the national waiting list.