NOD Lb’s 1st Media campaign “Say Yes to Organ Donation”
Thanks to M&C SAATCHI, NOD Lb could launch Phase 1 of its first media campaign. It includes TV & radio ads and posters.
NOD Lb was thankful because the feedback was more than the expected: In one month 1000 donation forms were filled online and we received thousands of phone calls...
NOD Lb thanks all the supporters of this campaign, especially:
The celebrities: Mazen Kiwan, Paula Yaacoubian, Sana Nasr, Rudy Rahmeh and Zahi Wehbeh.
The TVs/Radios/Newspapers/Magazines/Online medias, for showing the ads.
The hospitals, universities, schools, malls, supermarkets.. for posting the poster.
The MOH for their cooperation.
And M&C SAATCHI team for their devoted work.