Catholic Center for the media- Jal El Dib- Metn
03/04/2016 - 12:00 to 13:00
NOD Lb and the “Pastorale de la Sante” held a press conference at the Catholic center for media to sign a protocol of cooperation. After years of sharing the same objective: “to care about others” and cooperating on many events aiming to raise the awareness on organ donation; NOD Lb and CEPSSL decided to legalize this cooperation. This event was in the presence of the representative of the patriarch Al Rai the archbishop Maroun Ammar, NOD’s Vice president Dr. Antoine Stephan, the CEPSSL general secretary Father Edgard Al Haiby, the Catholic media center’s representative Father Abou Kassem, the representative of Dar Al Fatwa the judge sheikh Bilal Moulla, NOD’s lawyer Me. Michel Richa, Father Louis Khawand and the media coverage.